When you are trading you are trading Binance Leveraged Tokens such as SUSHIDOWN or BTCUP, Binance requires you to take an extra authorization. Without this authorization, you will receive this error message:
{"code":-2010,"msg":"This action disabled is on this account."}
You can find the full list of Binance Leveraged Tokens here, meanwhile, you can keep in mind that the ticker will always have DOWN or UP: ETHUP or XRPDOWN.
How to solve the issue
Log in to Binance.
Hover over Derivatives on the top bar and select Leveraged Tokens.
Select the trading pair of the Binance Leveraged Token you’d like to trade.
This will take you to the landing page of the Binance Leveraged Token.
Click on Buy, and that’ll take you to the Advanced trading interface.
Before you start, read the Risk Disclaimer. If you are over 18 years old and agree with the statement, check the box and click Confirm to continue.
At this point, you should be able to trade Binance Leveraged Token from Quadency the same way you trade other coins and tokens.